File a witness slip


  • Witness slips provide elected officials with a record of a person’s or group’s position on a particular bill. A witness slip can be filed on behalf of yourself or, assuming permission, on behalf of an organization you are representing.

  • 1.) Click the link above

    2.) In the tabs lining the top, select Week or Month

    3.) Find your committee of interest, organized in chronological order of hearing time

    4.) Click the icon on the right under the "Witness Slips" column next to the bill which you wish you slip in favor or against

    5.) Under Section I, fill in your identification information

    6.) Under Section II, fill out your organization if you are representing one or write "self" if you are representing yourself. You can also fill in N/A.

    7.) In Section III, select "Opponent” or “Proponent” for the bill you’ve chosen

    8.) In Section IV, select "Record of Appearance Only," unless you are submitting other forms of testimony, in which case select those as well.

    9.) Agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement

    10.) Select the "Create Slip" button


  • You are able to file a witness slip as soon as a committee hearing is posted. Generally, you should file your witness slip a day before the committee but at least one hour before the committee hearing to ensure that it is included in time.

  • If you are a registered user and were logged on when you submitted the witness slip, then yes you can make changes. If you were not a registered user or not logged on when submitting your slip, then you will not be able to change any information on your submitted witness slip. You can submit a new witness slip with your corrected position.